HSK tool-holder / hydraulic / for collet
max. 700 Nm, ø 16 mm | TENDO E compact 16
INO Group

Clamping method:
for collet
Diameter :
16 mm
TENDO E is today the most powerful hydraulic expansion toolholder in volume cutting . It is an ideal solution to increasing demands - demands that can no longer be met economically using ER collets, heat-shrinking toolholders, Weldon mountings, and low-priced hydraulic expansion toolholders. It is in fact the first toolholder to achieve clamping torques of 700 Nm and a diameter of 16 mm in for dry clamping conditions. The version beats the heat-shrinking toolholder because of its 350 Nm with an oily shank. Direct clamping with a diameter of 20mm, it also offers all around cost saving. With this product inside any machine, the machining parameters with increase and machine times will shorten. The acquisition cost for tools reduces by 35%, due to 350 Nm with an oily shank.